Since the ground-breaking clinical study conducted by Dr. Paulus Wolfgang, in 2002, Acupuncture has become an obvious option for many fertility specialists and IVF patient to add to conventional IVF.
Current state of Clinical study
It is not an overstatement to say that clinical study has irreplaceable value in promoting Acupuncture in Canada. However, the current method of clinical study has significantly undervalued the therapeutic value of Acupuncture. In addition, the numbers and coverage of clinical study for evaluation acupuncture are also very limited. Therefore, it is not wise to write off acupuncture as a viable option, just because there is not clinical study to support it or the support is not evident.
Case reporting & Clinical study
Chinese medicine and acupuncture has over two thousand years of recorded history, while clinical study has only been around for a few decades. Historically, Chinese medicine doctor depends heavily on case reporting, not clinical study.